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fresh goat cheeses, blue, hulled and more ...

In the company laboratory, obtained from the old stables of this wonderful Tuscan farm, every day we transform the fresh goat milk, which our "girls" give us, into goat cheeses that smell of the territory.
For us, working with raw milk means precisely being able to offer a cheese that smells of Tuscany and that has the characteristic flavor of these hills.

The production methods of our small dairy look towards the north, towards the north of Italy and towards France. So we produce following the tradition of Italian cheeses and French cheeses.

We produce fresh or refined goats, with flowery rind, lactic coagulation, with fun and colorful geometries. But not only that, we also produce soft, washed rind tome like our “Il Rosso” cheese or Tomini with flowery rind and a splendid and soft goat ricotta like a cloud.

The work of the dairyman is a work in continuous evolution and it is a work of continuous study.

This is why we continue to get involved with new experiments and new refinements, because we really want to be able to have fun in our work and always offer a different taste to our customers.


The Fresco

Very fresh goat cheeses with purely lactic processing of the French type with raw milk and hand-kneaded, white or flavored. Very creamy and soft texture of the paste, characteristic sour taste and slightly citrus scents.


Light dairy product made from goat's milk whey only. Delicate and soft taste on the palate.

Excellent for fillings but also to eat with a drizzle of oil and pepper.

All days

Raw milk goat cheese, Toma-type rennet processing, aged for at least 30 days. Soft and compact paste with some holes in the structure, sweet and delicate flavor, thin and inedible rind. A cheese for every day and for all circumstances, to be tasted alone, accompanied by dried or fresh fruit, honey and jams, excellent for preparations in the kitchen.

La Cenerina

Goat cheese with a purely lactic processing of French raw milk, processed with a ladle. spicy notes.

The Pyramid

Pyramid goat cheese with lactic processing with white rind due to the flowering of penicillum candidum, aged about 15 days, melting and sweet paste with a spicy note in the rind, creamy under rind.

La Bouche

La Bouche goat cheese with a purely lactic processing of French type with raw milk, worked with a ladle. White and thin rind due to the flowering of geotricum candidum, aged about 12 days, dark and lightly chalky paste, intense flavor with a spicy note in the sub-rind due to the action of molds.

The White

Camembert type rennet processing with raw milk with geotricum candidum and penicillum candidum development on the rind, aged for at least 20 days. Soft paste and creamy under-crust with slightly bitter notes due to the action of molds, strong and persistent flavor.

The Black

Raw milk goat cheese, purely French-style lactic processing, worked with a ladle. The edible rind is painted with charcoal to allow a more rapid development of the noble molds of geotrichum candidum while maintaining the freshness and creaminess of the paste, aged for at least 10 days. Creamy and dark paste, dry crust and sub-crust with spicy notes

To be tasted alone or with honey, jams, dried or fresh fruit.

Lactic toma

Pyramid goat cheese with lactic processing with white rind due to the flowering of penicillum candidum, aged about 15 days, melting and sweet paste with a spicy note in the rind, creamy under rind.

The Red

Raw milk goat cheese, rennet processing with a washed rind like Taleggio. Very soft and creamy paste with a strong and savory flavor, slightly reddish inedible crust due to the action of washing with brine every 5 days. Excellent cheese to be tasted alone or accompanied by dried fruit, honey and jams, amazing for the kitchen, absolutely to be tried in risotto.

Crotin with elderberry

Formaggio di capra a latte crudo a lavorazione lattica.

La pasta di questi piccoli Crottin ha la caratteristica di essere impastata a mano prima della messa in forma e di essere arricchita di Bacche di Sambuco provenienti da agricoltura biologica che vengono debitamente disidratate a freddo e, quindi, sono ideali per essere lavorate con il formaggio.

La particolarità di impastare a mano la cagliata conferisce alla pasta una consistenza molto piena ed estremamente scioglievole; le bacche di sambuco arrichhiscono il sapore di frutti rossi e croccantezza .

La crosta fiorita leggermente piccante data da Penicillum Cand. e Geotricum Cand. aumenta il contrasto con la dolcezza e pannosità della pasta.

Maturazione minima di 10 giorni.

Crotin cipollina

Formaggio caprino a latte crudo a lavorazione lattica arricchito con erba cipollina disidratata proveniente da agricoltura biologica.

Anche in questo caso la cagliata viene impastata a mano per la messa in forma.

L'erba cipollina è un classico abbinamento per arricchire il sapore del formaggio di capra.

Crosta fiorita per lo sviluppo di muffe nobili Penicillum Cand. e Geotricum Cand.; la maturazione minima è di 10 giorni.


Formaggio caprino a latte crudo a pasta semicotta.

Questo formaggio dalla forma importante di circa 6 kg viene affinato minimo 2 mesi ma sooporta molto bene anche lunghe stagionature.

La pasta è tipicamente quella di un formaggio da "tagliere", compatta e fondente; il sapore è dolce e delicato.

Un formaggio per tutti i palati.

Goat yogurt

Yogurt naturale ottenuto dalla fermentazione del latte di capra con ceppi batterici selezionati.

Il nostro yogurt ha un ridotto contenuto di lattosio perchè la fermentazione dura 24 h, inoltre viene colato a freddo per ottenere un prodotto estremamente cremoso senza l'aggiunta di addensanti.

Da gustare naturale o arricchito di frutta secca e/o fresca; strepitoso per le lavorazioni in cucina come le preparazioni di salse o la marinatura di carni particolari come quella di agnello.

Particolarmente adatto per la pasticceria.

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